Transform Your



How We Help Business Owners


In order to move the world forward, it’s best to build the ones already building it.

Business owners are the builders, thinkers and makers of a better tomorrow. Those special few that take, make and implement great ideas in order to take service, impact and the human experience to the next level.

Business is tough and building one is not for everyone. Building greatly successful, sustainable and scalable businesses that truly impact and help communities is what every owner wants – but what it needs many fail to acquire in time. Building a high-performance team that can think differently is at the core of NXT LVL and working with Business Owners brings together the passion and ideas with real-world tools to enact the growth, changes and choices owners are seeking for themselves, their people and community at scale.  All real change comes from human change and this can be the most challenging and frustrating aspect of being a Business Owner – “How to get others to follow.”

Do what you love

Get on with what you do best with the freedom to choose. Make what you love grow, so you can grow a business that helps others do the same.

Realise your worth

Business owners and founders are notorious for undervaluing their true worth. Realise your true genius and align it with a commercial high impact engine.

Create your  community

What grows a business, is a community. Grow a community and the business will grow. Help them win, and you will always win.

What To Expect


Where are you now?

Get clear on your current state and how this will support your plans to scale.

Your journey forward starts by knowing where you are currently and needs a plan and strategy to spend time on the things that matter and forget those things that waste your time.


What does true success look like?

Have you planned out what success will look like for you and your team?

A true leader finds a path for everyone to win to get the team 100% behind your ideas and to share your passion for success.


What am I blind to?

You can’t fix what you can’t see.  Being close to your business means being blind to those things that are holding you back.

Your growth will free up the business blockers to achieve your bigger game.

What is holding you back right now?


Will this work?

Where are the deputies in your business?   Do you have a team you trust implicitly who has your back?

The right team will lift you and others up and not be a handbrake for your business.

The people around you may not be the ones who can take you to the NXT LVL. Learn how to choose the right team and manage the one you already have.


Have I got the right team?

When you embark on a big journey like this the investment is huge.  Time, money, health and family are all at risk because you see something bigger than others.

Confidence in your path will ensure that you don’t sacrifice things you aren’t prepared to lose in your pursuit of your bigger game.


What do I do next?

If you haven’t done it before how would you know what to do next?  The best athletes have coaches because you know how to get the where you are but the next phase is a path yet to be travelled.

Knowing what to do next saves time, money and gets you to your goal faster.

How We Work

At NXT LVL, we do things differently. No one client is the same, ever. We let our long road become their short cut in accessing and leveraging a triad of results bases experiences from a military, businesses building, and technology background. We back our clients with various levels of engagement depending on what you need.


Show you

If you just need to know what to do next but you want to get it done yourself then this option is right for you.

Get full access to our IP and tools for use internally to scale your business and teams.

With you

Taking on the world can be challenging on your own.

NXT LVL can work with you and share the load to ensure that you are getting your outcomes individually and across your team, for maximum results.

For you

When time is of the essence and you just need to get it done fast, we can be “all in”.

Not only do we know what to do but we have the know how to do it for you.

For the time poor, ambitious Thought Leader who has to move quickly to realise the true potential of their bigger game.




Ready To
Play A Bigger Game?


Everyone has another level, let’s discover yours.

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