Tim Bishop2021-09-01T20:40:31+00:00LEAP OF FAITH & WALKING WITH FEAR
Tim is joined by Erin Dimond, an entrepreneur who built her success ground up from fear and rubble to assembling a 7 figure business thanks to that exact starting point. In this episode they investigate the underlying realisations and decisions that propelled her to where she is today.
As an entrepreneur, before you even make that step to become a founder, there is that voice that tells you to cling on dearly to what you currently have and never let go. Erin is no stranger to this; she jumped from a very well paying, very comfortable office job into a life rife of chaos and uncertainty, and ultimately thrived. Here she talks about the difficulties she faced when she took that plunge into the unknown, and despite not knowing how to swim, flourished to the top.
While a personal journey, many can take so much away from her experiences. Ultimately, the true entrepreneur is one who holds onto that chaos and uncertainty that runs as a thread in their life, turns it into a rope, hangs on for dear life and sees where it takes them.
In this episode you will learn and dive into:
- (3:00) – Backstory
- (7:25) – From 9-5 to a Bigger Game
- (9:05) – The Internal Battle: Tug-of-War
- (11:30) – Eating and Health
- (13:00) – The “Click”
- (17:45) – The Self-Talk
- (20:00) – Childhood and Family
- (22:00) – Drive, and Where It Comes From
- (24:30) – Lacking Responsibility
- (26:30) – Luck
- (27:45) – Getting Along with Your Inner Critic
- (29:40) – Challenges Overcome
- (31:00) – Noise in the Fitness Industry
- (33:30) – Getting Your Own Vision or Joining One
- (35:30) – Refusing to Escape into Comfort
- (39:00) – Importance of Team: Having Your Back
- (39:50) – Why Fitness and Health
- (43:20) – Female and Male Differences in Deepness
- (47:20) – Importance of Dialogue and Articulation
- (51:30) – Importance of Bodily Fitness
- (54:20) – Daily Routine vs. Weekly Routine
- (56:10) – Getting Back on Track
- (57:20) – Sense of Control
- (1:01:20) – The Big Idea
- (1:03:50) – The Unravelling Story: The Why and How
- (1:07:15) – The End State
- (1:10:15) – Deliberate Character Development
- (1:15:20) – Creativity
- (1:18:20) – Mastery and Service
- (1:19:50) – What She Is About
- (1:21:10) – What Chaos Is to Her
- (1:22:50) – Top Five Values
- (1:25:15) – Performing at Your Best, and at Your Worst
- (1:27:20) – Non-negotiables
- (1:28:30) – Loving the Hard Stuff
- (1:30:10) – The Biggest Belief People Need to Shift
- (1:34:20) – What is Fear
Circumstance does not make us, it reveals us. If you want more of anything, be it freedom, direction, confidence, clarity or just calm. To becoming more and excel, there are only 3 areas you can train to achieve this:
“The more I have on my plate, the more disciplined and structural I can be. Because if I have only one free hour of my day, I get to decide, with the snap of my fingers, do I work out, am I going to do what I’m supposed to do? Where if I have five free hours I can do just kind of whatever and sometimes things don’t get done. I found myself very structured in my senior year, and I needed that next thing, that next goal, and I enrolled in a half-marathon.”
“I remember calling my boss in my office, and saying I have something I need to talk to you about, and then I just started crying. And he already knew, because he had watched me be really passionate about fitness and things, and he said, “You’re leaving.” And I lied to him. I was so afraid to say that, “Oh yeah, I have this online coaching business that’s doing great.” Kind of out of fear of judgement; I was afraid to hear what I was afraid of. I was afraid he was going to say, “That’s crazy.” All of the things that I was afraid of, so instead I said, “Yeah, I’m opening a gym.” And he’s like, “Oh yeah, congrats. Blah blah blah.” And I did go on to open that gym a few months later but that’s an entire other story, where we have a business that actually failed. I felt safe telling him that I’m opening this gym, because you know what that means, and you won’t judge me for that. So I took the leap from there and haven’t looked back a single day, although I still do have nightmares eight years later that I still work for that company, that I still have a corporate job, and that I never said no.”
“One of the biggest areas I dive into is “Why? Why do you want to do this?” Well, we’ll talk about their goals, and they’ll tell me that they want to lose twenty pounds, look good in a bikini, whatever. And it’s just really important to me that I know why. Because if it’s predicated off of some “I’ll be happy when…”, I’m never going to help you. That’s never going to happen. Really, happiness does not come from a clothing size, or a number on the scale. If I can’t help shift that mindset on the first call, we’re just going to be in for it. So I ask for why, and if I get a surface level answer, I ask for layers deep. I joke with them: I say, “Hey, I’m going to be such a pain in your butt right now, but I really just need to know why this is important to me. I’m going to have to hold you to the fire.” The answers I usually get from those that realise that there is more outside of happiness than just changing their bodies a certain way, are usually something the lines of, they want to show up outwardly like how they feel inside.”
“Service is putting the client first, and just really being there and holding that space for what they need. There’s the cliché quote that, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” So I think its on the human level, showing up in whatever capacity that they [client] need, caring for them as an individual… [keep skipped part]. I think that’s service. I don’t think you can serve people until you really kind of know their heart and what they’re about.”
“I am very motivated by responsibility, and I’ve realised lately, especially, I’m passionate about fitness and health and always will be, but its not my entire life anymore. So I’ve noticed stagnation in the fitness business, because I’m not purely pulled by passion. But what I am pulled by is responsibility. So we hired a few new assistant coaches over there, and all of a sudden I’m like, “Cool. Let’s get clients, let’s make money, let’s change people’s lives, and bring them in.” Because I know their passion carries, and I’m passionate about helping people and having other responsibilities.”
“I started doing some off the side personal training. Again, it was what the market would ask for next. I’d have woman in my spinning classes say, “Could you help me with my diet? Can you help me individually?” And I would just continue to say yes, even though I really wasn’t sure what that looked like, how to do it. And then eventually, through documenting my journey online, enough people said, “I really wish I could work with you, but you’re too far away from me.” I said, “You know, I think we could probably figure that out. Let’s just go back and forth, see what your current routine is and what it looks like.” And that’s when I really started training people online.”