Tim Bishop2021-09-01T19:24:44+00:00THE BIG 5 & YOUR DEEP NORTH
This episode dives into:
Part 1
- Big Five, Stay Alive 0:00
- Wisdom: The Path to Experience 5:00
- Thriving in Adversity: All it Takes is Ecology 8:00
- Information and Reformation: Informing Your Reforming 9:00
- Mirror World: Looking Externally Looks Internally 10:00
- The Self’s Self-Organisation Reality 11:30
- Momento Mori: Premeditation on Death 13:00
- Vision and Words 16:00
- Deep Work: The Acts Behind Closed Doors 17:30
- Habitual Reflexes 19:00
- The Different Types of Knowing 20:00
- Enheadment vs. Embodiment 20:30
- A to B on a Conveyor Belt 22:00
- Pandora’s Box: Your Unknown Wisdom 26:00
- Vision: Your Northern Star 28:30
- Tactics vs. Strategy 32:00
- Intersection of Things Known and Not Known 34:00
- Metamorphosis: Becoming More 38:00
- Vision and Planning 39:00
Part 2
- Responding to Your Vision 40.00
- Testing Boundaries 42.00
- Avoiding Deep Work 46.00
- Start with a Question 53.00
- The Uncomfortable Deep Work 58.00
- Aiming for Your Highest Good 59.00
- How to Become a Substandard Person 62.00
- Knowledge, Network, Capital 75.00
- Mastery and Inspiration 80.00
- Reconnecting with Why You Started 84.00
- Realisation of Death 85.00
- Military Experiences 95.00
- Finding Your Calling 110.00
- Deep Work: Your Best Investment Strategy 115.00
- Greeting Death with Equanimity 118.00
- The Way Reveals Itself Once You Start The Path 125.00
- The Narrow Road to The Deep North 130.00
Circumstance does not make us, it reveals us. If you want more of anything, be it freedom, direction, confidence, clarity or just calm. To becoming more and excel, there are only 3 areas you can train to achieve this:
“We have so much f*cking information, and what we’re lacking is wisdom…I don’t think people want wisdom, to be honest. Because wisdom, it also implies a level of action and experience; self-attained knowledge.”
“To understand what’s truly possible you have to sit in wonder, not in limitation”.
“The minute you start thinking big you tap out. Because you realise you only have so much time on this planet. You are going to die… It’s a cool bias to have, “It just won’t happen to me”, it’s a good feeling, but it’s something that people need to address that the whole point of having a vision, this idea of ‘What’s Beyond the Horizon?’, in a very specific direction, because a vision, much like wisdom, is a path you know when you’re off course.”
“As I was doing this [cleaning my room], a really interesting thought came into my head… it started to dawn on me: “Am I cleaning my room, am I cleaning my kitchen or am I cleaning myself?” So every time I make a change in the world, am I changing the world or myself?”
“If you exercise the path the path becomes clear”.
“It’s uncomfortable as f*ck to put your self second to what the world is calling for. And I say calling because if you sit and listen long enough to what’s going on without doing a spiritual bypass, you’ll start to come into full contact of what your calling is”.