Tim Bishop2021-09-01T19:16:51+00:00YOUR BIOLOGY IS YOUR LIFE
In this podcast Tim interviews Dr. Cam McDonald, CEO of ph360 Australia, a company that specialises in understanding the unique biology and genotypes that underlies every individual in order for them to be their best selves.
Cam is deeply driven by the need for individuals to have a personalised approach to their own health. Through the understanding that not only nutrition and exercise stem from a person’s genetics and development, but also how they mentally and emotionally travel through the world as well. Through the use of genetics and epigenetics research built over the past 20 years, Dr. Cam McDonald seeks to ensure each individual is aware of the expressed uniqueness in their core self; their DNA.
Throughout their time together, Tim and Cam combine their insights from their fields and touch on several important points: from the differentiation of stress, to the creation of certainty in crises, the importance of basic exercise science, and most valuable of all, not just knowing who you are but the genetics (the ‘what’ of ‘who’ you are) that underpins your behaviour and mechanics.
This episode dives into:
- Understanding Stress: (3:00)
- Perspective and Crisis – Creating Certainty in Uncertain Times: (9:00)
- The Importance of Information (Sleep, Exercise, Nutrition): (16:00)
- Impact of Hormones on the Body: (26:00)
- In the Moment vs. In the Motion: (30:30)
- Understanding Perspective: (35:00)
- Biology, Context, and Environment – The Importance of Knowing Inner Processes: (41:00)
- Brain and Body – Survival in the Moment: (50:00)
- Genotypes and Phenotypes – High Performance Through Understanding of Underlying Mechanisms (1:10:00)
PH360 – Health Types
Connect with Dr Cam Mcdonald
Circumstance does not make us, it reveals us. If you want more of anything, be it freedom, direction, confidence, clarity or just calm. To becoming more and excel, there are only 3 areas you can train to achieve this:
“When you go into some sort of crisis… the things that you have to rely on only really is yourself. That’s where you create certainty. There is nothing certain in this world and the only place you can feel certainty is within your own mind.”
“You didn’t have to change your mind or your belief systems, or even the stress that you’re under. You just needed to change your behaviour to create a different environment within your brain.”
“The reality of life is that if nothing changes then our body will stop needing to do anything.”
“You become a very reactive verse proactive version of who you are. And I think people normalise around that which is frightening. So they don’t know what’s possible for them; ‘This is just who I am.’ Which is just a bullshit statement. This is not who you are; it’s who you normalise to.”
“You’ve got to stop putting the spotlight on the world and put it back on yourself. I think a lot of people can do so much good right now that they don’t even realise, and it starts with you.”
“I can have an understanding that this isn’t me essentially. This is my biology driving this response. And I can interact with that intelligently, if I’m aware of it.”