Tim Bishop2021-08-29T20:43:49+00:00THE OPPORTUNITY IN CHAOS
History only repeats itself when we’ve not learned from it.
Our past is a great teacher.
Much of the chaos that repeats in our individual and collective lives, isn’t new. We consistently see this same pattern through time. Challenge and uncertainty in someway, will always be present and consistent in life, business and being. How do we leverage it, and make it work with us towards our future..
How do we anticipate the road ahead? how do we become more, inpsite of the adversity? how do we help our friends, family and future?
The truth is chaos is an opportunity we miss labelled.
Who will you become through this? and what is your opportunity?
Got your back! Enjoy Ep.48
In this episode you will learn and dive into:
- What this FUCD period is all about (fear, uncertainty, chaos and doubt)
- Why there is massive amounts of fear and anxiety and how you can gain more clarity and reinvigorate your business (3.43)
- How times of uncertainty show your true colours (7.47)
- The stress we face as a collective during COVID-19 and how to pivot in order to survive (11.25)
- Key message for any business that has capital to get them through this period of time and what they need to do when they come out the other side (19.30)
- War gaming with the “what if” game (25.54)
- Mind Body Mission Components (39.35)
- Helping people to find their mission (41.20)
- Principles of war – (54.39)
- Morale, selection and maintenance of the aim, concentration of force, cooperation, economy of effort, security, offensive action, surprise, flexibility and administration
- Template for team morale (49.20)
- Leveraging assets that will help your future (1.08.00)
Circumstance does not make us, it reveals us. If you want more of anything, be it freedom, direction, confidence, clarity or just calm. To becoming more and excel, there are only 3 areas you can train to achieve this:
Why it is needed right now more than ever. Leadership is an verb not a noun. True Culture is revealed in challange and crisis
Both personally and professionally, change isn’t optional but progress is. Nothing lasts forever, and what we each do and dont do now, will shape the future you will walk into.
There are 3 types of people in chaos. The position held by each group is dynamic and can always change. Pick which group you want to be in, and then do the work
“The triggers are different, but the behaviours are the same.”
“Businesses that pivot to using online technologies, working remote and capitalise on these events that are in front of us – will actually survive. A lot of old ways of doing business will cease to operate.”
“You only recover if you do the work now. What we do today will determine how fast we go into this recovery.”
“Invest in yourself, in your ability to plan for the best case and the worst case scenarios.”
“Australia needs a bit of a shake up, we are going to start to experience those negative signs and symptoms of mob mentality and disorder that come with uncertainty and a lack of discipline.”
“As you get new information, ask yourself ‘so what?’, what does this mean for me?.. and then continue to evolve your plans, in doing so you are going to start forecasting your mindset – to help you to maintain composure and confidence.”