Tim Bishop2021-08-29T12:42:39+00:00LIFE IS FUCD
The story of humanity, is the story of transformation. It is the story of becoming. Becoming who and what we truly are in the face of Fear, Uncerainty, Chaos and Doubt. These 4 miss labelled enemies, are in fact friends of who you could become. They shape, shift and show the way. Nothing ever worth accomplishing, has been in their absence.
The best of us all carry this unavoidable truth. The truth that life is, and always will be an epic game of continual transofmation.
Fear, is a friend you can walk with.
Uncertainty, the one thing that binds us all.
Chaos, the hidden opportunity of possibility.
Doubt, the transformative door way to your potential.
Got your back! Enjoy Ep.47
In this episode you will learn and dive into:
- What does FUCD even stand for, why its important and how to use it.
- The weird ‘war’ we are currently in — The best way to deal with now is to come back home and it’s causing people a lot of distress because they haven’t been given the training or techniques. (3.46 )
- To challenge to view the world differently – we all have a deep desire to go from A and B and we are constantly discovering what we are made of to do that. (4.55)
- 3 things you need to take into consideration and what to do about it – Mind, Body and Mission (6.36)
MIND – You cannot be or compete at your best, if your mind is behind on its own software updates. Intense insight, growth and self awareness through simple, yet profoundly powerful every day activites… reading, writing and powerful conversation.
BODY – Build and hone your body, and you will hone your mind. You are a complex bio-economy. It’s the only place you have to live, and the very machine that connects you with the world.
MISSION – How are you using your hands from when you wake up to when you go to bed, how are you using your time. Your craft. We all have a Purpose and Vision. But its Mission that achieves them both and puts it all together.
- What to remember when things are feeling FUCD (16.20)
- Takeaway question from this episode – “Who are you and who do you want to become in this process”? (19.19)
We are all in this together and it doesn’t matter who you are there is always someone who needs helps
- FREE webinar “Life is FUCD”
Circumstance does not make us, it reveals us. If you want more of anything, be it freedom, direction, confidence, clarity or just calm. To becoming more and excel, there are only 3 areas you can train to achieve this:
Intense insight and self awareness through writing, reading and powerful conversation.
“We don’t get to rise to the occasion, we fall to our training”
“Usually the things that are most uncomfortable are the things we need to face”
“Circumstance doesn’t make us, it reveals us”