Tim Bishop2021-09-01T18:13:28+00:00CHAOS, CARE AND COMMUNITY
Taking into consideration Tim and Hestons track record and unique military backgrounds. On this podcast they discuss the weird war we face in life.
The clash of how unconventional it can feel at times, taking note that there’s actually 2 invisible enemies at play. Unclear information is one, and the other is the mindset we can fall into.
They discuss the power of challenge and circumstance, utilising military thinking and practical experience that anyone can grasp to dramatically influence their life and the world around them.
Got your back!
Enjoy Ep.50
In this episode you will learn and dive into:
The power of working together. How it can save you an immense amount of time, money and energy. Not to mention that it can and will save your life.
In times of chaos, culture is king and queen. Some wicked insights from this podcast include:
- The war we face with uncertainty (6.12)
- Building a high performing routine without adding more uncertainty to your life (10.00)
- Making the most of what you have (11.00)
- Falling to your level of training to stop perpetuating a dark spiral (17.30)
- How your environment can dramatically influence you (26.05)
- Looking after each other digitally, before it’s too late (38.40)
- Why Value Matters (43.30)
- Other epic insights include:
- How to respond to challenging climates and chaos (10.47)
- Leading with your assets and understanding what an asset is (12.30)
- The space of opportunity (26.00)
- 3 key things you will need to unpack in depth to extract the opportunity (27.05)
- How to get comfortable being uncomfortable (16.15)
- The Psychology point of view of the challenge right now
Resources: - Coming!
Circumstance does not make us, it reveals us. If you want more of anything, be it freedom, direction, confidence, clarity or just calm. To becoming more and excel, there are only 3 areas you can train to achieve this:
“We are dealing with the what if, the curve ball, people are scrambling to get their hands on something they can control, most of us have lost control and those of us who are used to having control are undergoing some of the biggest changes”
“Working together we are helping to grow and develop each other”
“The bodies response to physical, mental and emotional conditioning, is what we are going through right now, adapting to our environments”
“If you have something to offer the world now, it’s actually in your best interest to provide that free product to the world, if you prove to be effective in a free market, then you are going to one, win people over and two, it shows your character, actually have their back when they need it”
“As soon as someone asks for help it’s too late”
“If you can provide something that value adds to someone’s life now, they will value add to you when they can”